Thursday, May 05, 2011

Are You Ready for What's Coming?

Dearly Beloved,

Today is the Day the Lord has made… Let us rejoice and be glad in it!!! We as God’s people are being transformed from Glory to Glory, for such a time as this!!! God has called you and me in this time, in 2011, not 1900 or 1700. We have a marvelous ring side seat to what only the Disciples have dreamed about! Like Esther, the Lord’s light will shine brightly as great lights in the darkness! If there were no darkness would we need a calling? Let us be found to have oil in our lamps-ready in and out of season! Jane Hansen-Hoyt (Aglow Intl. CEO) recently sent a word of being prepared, spiritually and in a natural sense -- for any emergency; I agree. In this hour we need to be wise and make provisions for emergency situations, money, medicines, canned goods, water, gloves, toilet paper, etc… (for more info, Emergency Preparedness) Let us all continue to pray for the victims of the horrible tornado’s in the south!
A continuance of prophetic warnings are coming to me from various saints far and wide. These warnings have come via prophetic dreams, words and visions daily, across my desk. I believe it is time to send out a Clarion Call to pray and stand for the “Kingdom to Come” in ourselves, families, households, property and cities. We must examine why does the Lord inform the prophets of a message of warning? To bring forth a REPENTANCE. I am reminded of the story of Jonah, sent to share a message with the city of Nineveh. The whole country REPENTED and was saved from destruction.
God always starts at home first. Let us first start with a sanctification of ourselves (Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.) and secondly praying for the sanctification of our households, city and county. (See attachment for men in the Bible who did this.) Daily, as we enter into the relationship with our Heavenly Father thru the Blood of Jesus, He asks for clean hands and pure hearts. He also says, “those pure in heart will see God”. God has anointed you, appointed you and given you full authority to take dominion over the earth. If we don’t take dominion, EVIL will.
It is my hope that you will join in with prayer during this week over your household and your specific “county” covering them with the Passover Blood of the Lamb. Moses did this to prevent the destroyer from coming into their individual homes when GOD sent the plagues over Egypt. As Blood bought believers we are in Covenant with the Father as Moses and the Israelites were.
The CIA has had great success in praying repentance for the “four sins of the land” discussed in Alistair Pietrie’s book “Heaven on Earth”. We have seen tornadoes bounce off the county line of areas we have prayed through the below/attached information. We have seen revival break out and souls saved when churches have prayed this through in unity as a Body. It is a time and season for prayer warriors to pray strategically. This is a strategy that has been revealed to me and I would like to share the same information with you for more prayers of breakthrough in our lives and cities!
Alistair has identified the 4 main sins that defile the land. Thus God then judges sin and therefore releases a judgment (like a curse, Deu 28) to fall on the land i.e. the people. God is good and just and He has to judge evil to maintain a standard of Righteousness and Holiness. Here is the prayer process the Author reveals towards healing our land:
1. Consecrate yourselves
2. Join me in (Identification Repentance) repenting for the sins (Confession & Forgiveness) of the people in your county.
· Idolatry (Anything that takes priority over God)
· Bloodshed (Civil War, Indian, Individual)
· Broken Covenants (Indian, Government, etc)
· Fornication (Anything outside of marriage)
3. Then Break the bondages of the Four judgments that have separated us from God’s healing.
· Famine, Ecological devastation, War, Disease
4. Then Pray a release of the Seven Blessings of God on the Land found in Lev 26:4-10
· Ecological Health, Economic Health, Personal Security, Civil Security, International Security, Honor and Growth and Innovation and Creativity
I am continuing to pray for MERCY and that America and our State does not get what it deserves! I have attached a detailed listing on pages 5-7 of this process if you would like more information. Also there is additional information on Central Illinois Aglow for your perusal.
May we stand united in the one Faith BELIEVING in the GOODNESS of our Father at ALL times!
Blessings of Love, The CIA Area Team
Remember the Love we give away is the only Love we keep~,


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